Frequently Asked Questions

We have interacted with citizens of Lake Oswego, Oregon over the past several years at venues such as Veterans Day, Memorial Day, the 4th of July Parade, the Farmer’s Market, Concerts in the Park, and the Antique Car & Boat Show. We’ve also conducted many personal interviews with City, Police, and Fire officials. A number of frequently asked questions continue to surface. The following are answers to those questions:

The Desert Storm era Humvee is a kid-favorite at the Farmer’s Market.

What is the Lake Oswego Veterans Memorial?

Lake Oswego Veterans Memorial provides a place to honor the heroism and service of those who have served in the U.S. Armed Forces and as First Responders. Sited in beautiful Foothills Park, the Memorial includes a granite wall and a honor walls to provide an artistic setting for tributes.


Why did we create a Memorial?

Lake Oswego is a special place. We enjoy a freedom and security not found everywhere. This liberty is secured by the service and sacrifice of our Veterans and First Responders. The Memorial shows our appreciation to those to whom we owe so much.


Is this a War Memorial?

No. This is a memorial to honor the individuals who risk their own safety and security to ensure ours. The Memorial honors their service and sacrifice, and does not glorify war.


Who is honored?

Recognition is given to the main branches of the U.S. Armed Forces (Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines, Coast Guard, and Merchant Marines), along with Lake Oswego Firefighters and Police. Individuals with connections to Lake Oswego are also honored. If you have suggestions for someone to be honored, or want to recognize a loved one, please contact us.


Where is the Memorial located?

The City of Lake Oswego provided an acre of Foothills Park for the Memorial. The section is located to the South of the pavilion near the parking lot.


Who is paying for the Memorial?

While this is a City project, it is not funded using general fund tax money. Funding comes from private donations, donations-in-kind and grants.


How can I donate?

Donations can be made by check, cash or credit card. Donations by check avoid credit card processing fees and maximize the benefit to the Memorial. Further information is available on the donate page.


Are my donations tax-deductible?

Yes. The Lake Oswego Veterans Memorial is a registered non-profit organization with both the State of Oregon and the Internal Revenue Service. We are designated as a 501(c)(3) organization with the IRS (EIN# 81-1325388). Please consult your accountant or financial advisor to determine your eligibility to receive the tax deduction.


How is my donation used?

All donations will be used directly for the Memorial. The Board of Directors and Advisory Committee are all volunteers, with no financial interest in the Memorial. The organization has no employees, and in our partnership with the City, there are no costs from the City. Administration expenses are minimal. For a current accounting of all funds, please contact the Treasurer via our contact page.


When was the Memorial dedicated?

Memorial Day, May 27, 2019.

Honor Your Veteran or First Responder with these wonderful memorial options

Order Forms:

Honor a Veteran or First Responder by purchasing a spot for their name on the Honor Wall or Memory Bench. Order today using these downloadable order forms (click the link below to download the form):

Honor Wall Order Form

Memory Bench Order Form

order forms graphic
Lake Oswego Veterans Memorial Brochure image